2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Can't believe what I am reading about Tuchel. Lol, England had Southgate for 8 years 😂😂😂. I am even surprised he took the job. I thought he would wait to manage a club.

Tuchel is actually great at cup runs. I wouldn't want him for a league campaign. But He has reached countless finals in the last 10 years. And he will fit the England team like a glove. You guys will finally have a real shot at winning. You had the players and now you have the manager. I don't know what him being German has to do with anything these days. This isn't 1939.

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Can see why many would want an English manager managing England, bit Not sure what it is with English managers, they have their fancy St George’s park where they learn their coaching trade, but it’s like Charlie Hughes haunts the corridors of that place. Way too many English managers ( including the last few of their numbers who have managed England) seem to be football dinosaurs, just want to sit back and occasionally hoof it up to the big guy, Southgate himself seemed to go that way, trouble is, Kane wasn’t usually far enough forward to hoof it to.

Just don’t want Benny White playing for England end of, but suspect Tuchel could easily lure him back into the fold

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Tuchel is a great appointment. I might even get an interest in international football again. What’s great is watching so called pundits losing their shit.

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Personally, I can't stand all the flag waving that comes with international football but I'm happy about the TT appointment. He's a talented manager, who will hopefully do justice to a fantastic generation of players. Unlike 'handbrake' Gareth.

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Tyrants of the world unite.

Freedom of choice for any job, it's the way forward believe it or not.

No-one should be forced.

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I was a teacher for one year when I lived in Southampton, UK way back when and I was forced to apologize to my class one day for suggesting earlier in the week that UK is one country, not 3 or 4 like the anglos seemingly believe. I think all UK 'nations' should be forced to choose any UK born manager.

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what rubbish - why does a manager make any difference ?

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Just speaking the truth about home -grown managers, you racist prat. David Moyes.........

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Another Union- Jack waving ignoramus. "England should be made....." says who. English/ British managers are crap and they have been for the past decade or more. Allardyce, Pullis, Pardew, Bruce, Lampard, Gerrard. Not one there who's good.

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David Moyes won a European comp 18 months ago and is not currently working, England have managers to choose from.

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he’s also not that good

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Another jingoistic Daily Mail reader I suspect, what a xenophobe.

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Another mardy twat, I suspect, why do you hate your countrymen?

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David Moyes!!!! My God, you're ambitious aren't you..... Talk about scraping the barrel.

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Allowing countries to hire foreign managers to coach in competition based on nations/countries is bollocks, it's no different than England including an unwanted German in their playing squad.

There are all sorts of British born managers, England should be made to choose one from their own nation, it's irrelevant if you think they 'spicy' or not.

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Just wait until jwl finds out Otto Rehnhagel, a German, won the Euros for Greece.

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Rehhagel. Slipped an n in there.

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Why what?

I just think it ridiculous that England chooses foreign managers to compete in competition that is all about countries/nations when the FA have all sorts of British born experienced managers to choose from.

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English or British?!

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Why have you stopped writing comments, grooveydaddy, and now only appear to claim first?

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