Losing youngsters for nothing will bite the club in the behind. Not getting transfer fees is poor. All this big project talk about how the club is so well prepared and running better than ever, yet they don't keep youngsters on decent contracts or set up beneficial loans. What is the vaunted loan manager doing?
Losing youngsters for nothing will bite the club in the behind. Not getting transfer fees is poor. All this big project talk about how the club is so well prepared and running better than ever, yet they don't keep youngsters on decent contracts or set up beneficial loans. What is the vaunted loan manager doing?
Losing youngsters for nothing will bite the club in the behind. Not getting transfer fees is poor. All this big project talk about how the club is so well prepared and running better than ever, yet they don't keep youngsters on decent contracts or set up beneficial loans. What is the vaunted loan manager doing?