Very concerning that so many papers chose Saka as their image

I’m not one to presume the worst in such cases as normally I’d chalk it up as a coincidence - but that’s one hell of a weird coincidence that all the papers go to town on saka as the scapegoat…. A very ugly ‘coincidence’ if it is that

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I truly hope that Partey is sold.

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Un isn’t necessarily a racist, as some may have suggested, he just possesses an extremely healthy dose of self interest otherwise known as bias - you know, the thing Bob says you need to be a proper Arsenal fan on an Arsenal blog - except he applies his across all spectrum of human affairs.

Shocking, I know.

• A male player is accused of abusing a female - Un sticks up for the accused male

• someone is accused of racism - Un makes a case for the accused party or entity usually represented by whites

• Putin invades Ukraine - Un makes the case for the invader citing every reason imaginable under the sun, while finally in the end admitting high energy prices and raising cost of living are most likely the real reason possibly sprinkled on top with Putin’s pro Brexit stands and anti woke-ism.

• Israel/Palestinian conflict - no brainer. From the Jews were there first( were not, other tribes lived there before them) to Jews deserved that land for centuries worth of European persecutions (irrelevant if true), meanwhile the real reason might be his wife is Jewish and he’s not exactly fond of Arabs, especially those illegally invading England

As full of shit as Un usually is, he’s tops for entertainment's in my book.

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Everyone talks their book, it’s true. Nevertheless if you’re going to say people are racist, which is social death, at least at the top end of society circa twentee twentee fore, you gotta have harder evidence than Pedro’s got in this case.

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Tom, I never suggested how anybody should act to be considered a’proper’ Arsenal fan, I was explaining how I am, putting Arsenal’s interests first and of course that makes me biased. I’m not going to apologise for having that perspective and that’s completely different from telling anybody how they should be as you imply.

Being biased towards Arsenal on an Arsenal blog- who would have thought!

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You forgot the manifestos. Like the sun rising East, always the lengthy manifestos.

An 'I'm not racist/It's not racism' saturation, carpet-bombing of the blog.

Are we at 25 or 30 of his posts on the topic yet?

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Well, do you think it’s racism then? Are the subeditors at the four media outlets mentioned by Pedro obviously racist? They’ve names and employers, if you consider them plainly and openly bigoted, write an email, post it here. Otherwise it’s just posturing.

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Whoosh. Over your pointed head.

I've not weighed in on any photos.

Just the guy who fervently defends racism whenever it's discussed.

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Well, I suppose in this instance he’s only fervently defending racism if you think the photo selection was a racist act.

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£100m for a 19 year old from Portugal who’s had 1 good but not great season in an inferior league

That’s what we paid for rice. An absolute game changer at the top of world football with bags of experience and proven in the prem and international level

A guy who never gets injured

Benfica cannot really expect anyone to take that seriously

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I don't think they need to care. The 100 mil clause just keeps teams from unsettling him and lowballing on bids. They don't need to sell him now, he looks like he'll only go up in value. In one or two years Chelsea, United, or even City may easily be paying 130+ million for him.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

It’s not my money and I haven’t seen him play live and I haven’t compiled a 160 page scouting dossier but on the basis of a few YouTube highlights(!) he looks fantastic so I’d go £60m with PL /CL winning clauses.

I agree, £100 m would be far too much.

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Joao Palhinha going to Bayern for £38million.

Fulham have been linked with Eddie, Smith Rowe, + Patino.

Haven’t seen them linked to Sambi, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone took a gamble on him.

Hopefully we can get the exit door revolving early doors.

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Palinha is quality and a price that's at least fathomable. If it was Chelsea or Man united buying it would be 60-80m.

One question.. why are Man United being mentioned with interest in Sesko? Didn't they just spend some crazy amount on Hoijland? A very similar profile ? What am I missing here?

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Martial is leaving, out of contract.

They’re desperate to dump Greenwood for obvious reasons.

They likely need another centre forward to compete with Højlund.

Not sure why any player would agree to go there until they know who the manager is.

Otherwise they could go there, and the new guy might not fancy them.

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And your point,Cyril?I mean,it’s not as if we don’t already know that.

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Cyril is away with the fairies, he often leaves those type of cryptic comments.

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He’s bananas

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"Showing Saka on the ground looking pissed off after a friendly defeat doesn’t misrepresent him. It shows our best player looking pissed off. Why does his skin colour matter? It doesn’t."

I agree with Un

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

I find it difficult to align myself with the apparent "Black Lives Matter" arguments and political gestures in football, solely for the sake of appearing politically correct. nor will I be swayed by sensationalist headlines from the mainstream media or bloggers' eye-catching titles merely to generate more clicks. Do the same individuals protest when the going is good and "our star boy" receives what appears to be more prominent mentions or coverage than other possibly deserving players in newspapers and on social media?

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Via Whoscored:

“Most direct goal involvements by central midfielders in the Premier League last season ⚽️

◎ 18 - Martin Ødegaard

◎ 17 - Rodri

◎ 15 - Declan Rice

◎ 15 - Bruno Guimarães

◎ 14 - Pascal Groß

◎ 14 - James Ward-Prowse

◎ 14 - Douglas Luiz”

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How is this possible? a leading legrove scout and transfer expert says Ødegaard needs to be replaced.

Not perfect enough for him.

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Is kdb not considered a central midfielder?

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No idea what their criteria is?

KDB had 14 PL goal contributions last season in just 1,228 minutes though.

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Imagine a midfield of Luiz Rice and Odegaard 🤤

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The England performance in the game against Iceland was frankly abysmal.

England played pedestrian square passing football and frankly there was no urgency or clinical finishing.

There was a collective malaise in how we played and there are serious shortcomings in the squad,

which will play in Euros.

Everyone knows that Saka has played too much football last season and frankly needs a break. The

journalist who attached blame to his performance is being ridiculous. He played less than 25 minutes and by all accounts has done very little training since the end of the season.

Bluntly I watched less than an hour in the last two games played by England and the football played

was uninspiring and boring.

My gut feeling is that England are unlikely to win the Euros with the team/squad selected by Southgate. Our central defence is not of international standard. Also if Kane does not perform our

goal scoring options are fairly limited.

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Eze Taa and Grealish all looked like they were clicking at the right time

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Sesko, Olise or Nico Williams, Joao Neves and Hato pretty please!

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The Saka fiasco is a distraction from something bigger. Editors are Not so blind to allow that stuff, NATO psy -ops.

Telling you for free!

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Joao Neves rumours more exciting than Luiz.

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MUCH more....

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Reports out of Portugal are usually best taken with a large pinch of salt.

But we’ve definitely had scouts over in Portugal at Sporting + Benfica.

Players linked being Neves, Antonio Silva, Gyokeres, Diomande.

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United mentioned too. I read that they need to get some money in. Hope mention of Arsenal is not just a way of getting other top clubs interested such as City and PSG. Luis might be a safer bet but Neves feels more dramatic.

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Southgate the man who will naturally turn a winning situation into a draw and a tight draw into defeat.

The sooner he pops off to UTD the better. He can continue his work.

In more Arsenal related thoughts - the line from Pedro “If Arsenal decide to keep Partey” should never be allowed to happen.

Odd or possibly worse in his behaviour off the pitch. Injury prone and incident prone on the pitch. Saudi should be calling for him. I have a feeling one or two of his behaviours will be par for the course over there.

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I can understand Pedro's initial reaction.

But Un states points that are more than perception.. they are undeniable facts. Every one of them.

The outrage after the Saka penalty miss was really about a maximum of 50 social media comments (disgustingly racial).... out of 600,000 registered comments about the game in that same time period.

I'll let you do the math.

Modern Western civilization bends over backwards to welcome good people of all races and ethnicities.

Most people are rightfully judged by their behaviour, as they should be.

A bunch of drunk losers in Spain or Eastern Europe does not equate with a great majority of British people. No need to create more problems.

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50 posts? Are you kidding me? The abuse was so bad the Government intervened to force social platforms to remove the abuse.

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I got those numbers from Simon Jordan, who is not perfect, but he's no fraud when it comes to knowledge and facts.

I would bet the numbers you're citing include international racists that didn't even care about the game.

You would see the same awful people around the world posting thousands of celebratory, laughing comments while the cathedral was burning in Paris. Again, those people were obviously not traditional British citizens, and we all know it.

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What were the exact numbers and provenance? I saw analysis floating around afterwards suggesting it was a diminishing small percentage of total relevant social media chatter - which is the way of these things to be honest - and of that only a very small percentage could be traced to identifiable UK accounts. One lad was prosecuted though, so there’s that. Anyway would be nice to know these things, cos otherwise you roll from 15* retards being racist, of whom 9 are from elsewhere to the England fan base is afflicted with irredeemable bigotry.

FWIW, I don’t reckon government action (statements) or otherwise after a three day media firestorm to be dispositive of the scale of the abuse. At the front end UK gov is just dopey media management.

*numbers purely illustrative. I make no claims here.

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Also, I read that almost all of the accounts which registered race based comments were from Middle Eastern, North African, pakistani and Indian accounts, not English people and not the English media who were unbelievably supportive of Saka rashford and sancho. Rashford even received honours and was lauded by the msm ever since despite his poor performances for England and United

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When I read Pedro's post within the hour it was posted, I just knew that Un would be the passport carrying citizen of the state of denial, who would defend the indefensible.

Un wouldn't know what implicit racism is, nor understand what a dog whistle is. I would imagine that if the crowd threw bananas at black players, Un would argue they were just trying to provide due nourishment.

Unless the racist act is as stark as a 3-legged deer on roller skates, Un and his ilk would be in denial.

Pedro is not the only one that called it though, many people saw the insanity of using Saka as the face of failure when he only had 1/3rd of the game

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Saka does seem to have the most big endorsements of Arsenal players, from what I can see. This is because he is extremely likeable as well as young and a great player.

Being a Bible boy also makes it less likely he'll ever get into a scandal that would be embarrassing a brand.

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Get bent diss

I know very well what he’s implying but I think Pedro is just another smart bloke who drinks the cool aid to get to the top

I don’t think he truly believes that this is racism at work or unconscious bias

It’s just our best player looking pissed off. The guy whose face is on adverts on every street and every tv.

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Ok so when it’s a black lad it’s super secret, undercover, QT, covert, under the radar racism (despite media being awash with black and brown faces now to the point where thy are hugely over represented) but when it’s white faces it’s just business as usual?

Do you people actually ever turn on the tv? Barely a white bloke in sight. If you’re black, female or better yet a black female (extra points if she’s you know 😉) they can’t fall over you enough. Now England’s best player of our most successful era since 1966 has had his face on 4 news outlets after a defeat and those pesky secret racialists are at it again

Pitch forks at the ready lads, erm and ladies, erm theydies I mean

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Black, female, having a female life partner with a disability is more like a BBC detective show storyline.

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“Do you people actually ever turn on the tv? Barely a white bloke in sight. If you’re black, female or better yet a black female (extra points if she’s you know 😉) they can’t fall over you enough”

This comment makes me know all I need to know about ya!

Have a great life!

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What does it tell you?

Presumably you think that comment marks Una as a racist - fine, it’s an opinion, but you should have the guts to say it straight - anyway, back to the point, I imagine your argument would either be I. His claim about representation in standard media in the UK is false, ergo racist or 2. His claim about representation is true but his having an issue with it is racist.

Now, I don’t have the data, but my intuition is that representation in media does not map to gross population statistics & plausibly not to cohort population statistics. There are reasons for this, some geographic (London bias), some ideological. Anyway, the key is the second - if it is true that there is disproportionate representation in eg advertising and other media, and that some element of that is down to the ideological bias of the class of people who produce such images, then what can we infer from that?

I think it’s plausible to argue that the subeditors of the various newspapers Pedro has highlighted are broadly drawn from the same class of people involved in advertising, tv etc. - the London based media classes, people involved in creating images. Now Pedro & you, I assume, Christian, think those subeditors are racist, whereas Una reckons given their likely professional and class background they’re more likely to be anti-racist as a matter of ideology and professional practice. His data point is the representation of various groups in advertising as it cleaves (or not) to the general population.

You can either deal with this point, or you can call Una a racist.

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He’s incapable of addressing the point because it’s true and tricky to argue against, so he will always try to frame what I’ve said as a negative, use it to sidestep the point I’ve made and continue to label me

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Of course, I have much less professional interaction with these people than Pedro will have, and maybe tabloid sub editors are a breed apart & notoriously bigoted, so I could be wrong. More than enough evidence for the latter if you scoured the sun and mail from the 80s and 90s, much less so today I reckon.

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This comment should help Tom illustrate how wrong you are in how the media present black people

Th same media companies you claim are racially prejudiced against Saka are mass hiring black people to present their shows. Some dichotomy eh

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Couldn’t have said it any better

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Hard agree with every word here.

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You reckon the subeditors & editors are racist then? Let’s be clear, everyone likes to talk in euphemism about these things, but as Ian Wright says, “those deciding what goes on the back pages know what they’re doing”. So is that it?

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And if that’s the case, call them out by name. You’ve a platform and some power, go do it. Wright & Arseblog should do the same, as well, if that’s what they believe. Racism’s a heavy charge and they deserve a right of reply.

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Dissenter. You aren’t happy unless u dissenting, are u?! Are u telling us u see no aspect of Un’s point that makes sense? Talk about virtue signaling

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Up to mighty London came an Irish lad one day. All the streets were paved with gold so everyone was gay. Singing songs of Piccadilly. Strand and Leicester Square. Till Paddy got excited and he shouted to them there. IT’s a long way to Tipperary - but my heart lays there… I love Ireland 🇮🇪.

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