Calls like the one from yesterday makes me want to go back to the idea of the super league. Maybe if there are consequences for the PL, the referring would be better.

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Two things can be true at the same time, PGMOL can be incompetent and some of its officials can be incompetent and corrupt. Hindsight can show us that Rice could have perhaps acted differently (but even this recognition points to a problem with officiating doesn’t it?) to protect himself and the team, while we also recognize that the official made the most of the situation to make what by all appearances is a hugely biased call to impact the outcome of the game. The question is why did the ref choose to make that call in that moment? Why did the ref choose to allow Mitoma to run through the body of Saka in the first half and call no foul? Why did the ref not penalize Pedro for kicking the ball after clearly crossing the line for a throw? Why did the ref penalize our guys for every little touch in the second half and the other guys could get away with more? If your answer to that is keep a stiff upper lip and do better, then you don’t understand the small margins at which these games are played. If your answer to that is Arteta out, then at best you have an agenda and not a thought, at worst you’re just not very smart. When you are fighting for a league title against a team that these things don’t happen to, it is very appropriate to ask these questions - especially when there are a host of reasons to believe that they have bent the rules to get where they are.

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You are correctly upset about something that is part of the game, Ref's inconsistent judgments and calls. We had hoped VAR would minimize this only to find out it now is even worst. Managers and players know that the Refs will NOT make consistent calls for same or similar situations. Therefore they need to act, behave, play and make decisions knowing that this inconsistency exists and players actions have to be so as to minimize being on the wrong end of the decision.

It is infuriating that our table position is effected by that, 3 points lost against Newcastle last season. How does City handle it? They score more goals so when the Ref fucks them over they still win the game. Our attack has been anemic for a few seasons now. If Havertz and Saka would have finished their two chances we would have won the game. Jesus is poor in the attack, that's why Arteta wanted Sesko.

Here is the YouTube clip with commentary on Rice's 2nd yellow card and if you look at the Ref he kicks out his right leg indicating why Rice was carded, but his face also tells you he really didn't want to do that, but was forced by the rules, just my take.


Let's move on to the NLD, Atalanta in the CL and City. Let's hope that Merino will be fit for the City game.

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You’re correct. Both are true at the same time

All of those ref issues should be challenged

And at the same time the players should learn a lesson to not give refs who we already know hate us ammunition to ruin our season like they want to. It’s bs that we have to take this mindset but it’s also true. If we play exactly like city or Newcastle (rodri and Bruno are both extremely dirty players) our season will be wrecked by red cards every 2 weeks. It’s wrong but there is also not going to be any sympathy from anyone else when we watch city lifting the title come May.

But you’re right, we can and should tackle both ends of the snake at the same time. Don’t give the refs ammunition to kill us whilst also making a huge noise every time they do

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Right, I agree. However, if our players have to match the intensity and physicality of the other team to compete at the level required but can’t play the same way then how is that possible? That’s why this issue is frustrating to our fan base, that’s why we don’t just want to point the finger at Rice as some suggest as the only possible answer (or Arteta of course). Professional sports is so fast, decision making, interpretation of rules, tactical nuance, etc. all being processed in real time and in seconds/microseconds by the players. The rules of the game are reinterpreted each game that is played by the way the official(s) do or do not make calls, or by the way they do or do not make correct observations, etc. So, when an official makes a game changing call that goes against the standard they have set within the context of the current game, it is reasonable to question that. And when a player makes a decision that is in line with the way the official has called the game up to that point and gets penalized for it, it is reasonable to give them the benefit of the doubt. And it is very reasonable to point out the way officiating affected the outcome in such circumstances, while also learning to perform better but better performance cannot simply overcome those issues every time they happen. This is a game most often won by one or two goals, those moments matter and stiff upper lips and stronger mentality can’t always overcome goals given or taken away unfairly.

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Mar 6, 2023

Understand the FA are looking into #AFC's celebrations after Reiss Nelson's winner vs Bournemouth after referee Chris Kavanaugh reported them.

Pedro posted that on twitter. Yup.

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I hope this season doesn’t end up as a stroll for city

They are dispatching teams easily, in lower gears without Foden and Rodri. Haaland is in the form of 2022-2023.

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Just rewatched that game

We shouldn’t have lost it, even one man down

It was one momentary loss of concentration between the two central defenders that cost us.

Then we had the better chances one man down. Havertz should have scored there .

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Said it at halftime though

Rice has been out of sorts, like an an offbeat dancer that’s out of choreography routine

We are all so focused on the second yellow but the first yellow was for a very silly foul.

We will miss him at the toilet bowl but damn he’s needed to sit one game out to refocus himself.

We have spurs away —-Atalanta away—city away in 8 days

Rice was never going to play three games in a week, he would have to miss one of those BIG games so it’s not even that big a deal.

For the second yellow, he knew he was on a yellow card already

… and yes the ref is a cunt.

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Every year I see a new embarrassing type of sending off. The Martinelli double yellow, last year Tomiyasu's scandalous red because he took 3 seconds and today's Rice red. Absolutely fuming. That butterface cunt might have cost us the league. And he is from Manchester from an area where most Man City fans come from. You can't make this up. That was genuine match fixing if I ever saw one.

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Can you imagine when Rice is old and retired he sits down for an interview.. I see you had one red card in your career what happened? Did you break an ankle.. head butt somebody? No, I kicked a rolling ball 4 inches after a player knocked it off my heels near their own corner flag on a restart that was not even legal.

Ridiculous decision. He has no history of shit housery... zero career red cards previous. . The referee has to be able to read the games so as not to ruin it. This was a showcase game for the Premier League.. epic fail.

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It seems you missed the other posts that pointed out the poor referee had no choice but to give the yellow. Didn’t you see him shrug his shoulders, we actually should feel sorry for him and Declan should apologize for putting the ref in such a difficult position.

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Referees always have a choice. It’s in the name.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31

I'm actually done.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj2OLblPv1Q - check at 2:20

MG42 called Veltman's kick on Rice a "coming together of legs".

An obvious effort to hurt the opponent. A massively painful kick in the knee of Rice and it's obvious that Veltman did it will all the strength he had. A coming together of the legs. I'm done.

As someone on twitter said

So many weird events in Declan Rice red card

1. Is it even a freekick to begin win?

2. Veltman doesn't take the freekick from where he was fouled

3. Veltman threw the ball at Rice who is walking away.

4. The ball is still moving as Veltman goes to kick it

5. Veltman kicks him

I'll add one myself - the ball isn't even at the right spot to take the free kick either cause the dude threw it further up the pitch.

But we've got Arsenal "fans" have a perfectly understandable explanation of how the ref was right. Piss right off.

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i dont justify tge ref at akl because he was a hopeless cunt all match as per usual.


we know refs are useless cunts and hate arsenal. rice knew he was on a yellow. he knew they had no brilliant chance from the free kick especially if he slowly walks back in front of the ball to close the angle. why give the cunt ref a chance to give you a second yellow under such circumstances? he shouldve known better

im not angry. mistakes happen. but you have to be smarter than to give a ref an excuse to do what he wants which is hurt arsenal

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To give an analogy, you are free to wear whatever you want and go wherever you want

But if you decide to dress head to toe in luxury clothes and you’re strutting through the hood, you know damn well you’re putting a target on your back and can’t act surprised when you get mugged

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In the US state where I live, there is a traffic law that states if in an accident there is no one at fault, than the last driver that could have avoided the accident can be charged.

The principle applies in this situation, if the Ref and opposition player get under your skin, you walk away. That didn't happen. If Rice would have just walked away we would have had 3 points. He cost us today and possibly in the NLD. You take into consideration foul ups by Refs and opposition players and live by the saying "As far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all" and in this case walk away.

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Yes a principal from the traffic codes of your geographical location applies here. I call bullshit, you’re not an Arsenal fan. This and other opinions of yours are absurd. Sincerely, go fuck yourself

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Since this is an opinion blog, each one can post there opinion and I can see yours is limited to name calling. Get to grip on the fact that Arsenal fans do not agree on all things.

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Rice was literally walking away when he got the ball thrown at him, tapped the ball that bounced off him that was thrown at him (to be clear he does not have eyes in the back of his head ((likely due to his weak mentality)) so he didn’t know that ball was coming), and then got kicked. So, what is the exact angle and speed at which he should have walked away, do enlighten us?

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You obviously didn't watch what happened there at the sideline. For the umpteenth time, Rice DELIBERATELY kicked the ball into touch, no ball rolling at him caused that, the ball was to his right side and he DELIBERATELY pushed it over the touch line end of story . That was the infringement for which he apologized. Before posting another nonsensical comment read the other posts here that make it clearer for you. Even better get yourself a subscription to the Athletic and read what took place and why Rice is the one to blame for the 2 dropped points.

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How did the ball get to his right side genius? Was the ball stopped for a proper free kick? How far ahead do I have to read the opposition players mind to read how they are going to throw the ball at me so I can get out of the way? Thanks for the tip on the athletic but I watched the incident and don’t need to get my interpretation from a subscription, that seems like weak mentality stuff to me.

And just to be clear for understanding the rules in the future, if I throw the ball at someone’s leg as they walk away, and then they dare to touch the ball afterwards, that’s auto yellow for them right? But I can boot the ball when it crosses the line for a throw with no issue? Or should I submit that question to the Athletic?

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You are gaslighting, the inconsistency of Veltman not being carded for kicking the ball clear across the field has nothing to do with Rice's infraction. After the ball that was kicked at him and bounced of his heel it rolled parallel to the touchline when Rice with his right foot pushed the ball over the touchline. The ref had no choice but give a 2nd Yellow to which Arteta agreed and Rice apologized for.

Dude you are not smarter then the people that make a living of this sport and every single one said it was a 2nd yellow. Oh sorry I forgot now it is the Refs and the media that are corrupt. But your comments show up that Arteta and Arsenal players can do no wrong. Repeat after me "We was robbed by the Refs". Pathetic.

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Thank you, that was very helpful. I learned a new way to use the very trendy gaslighting term. I learned that inconsistency cannot be used as evidence of corrupt or biased decision making. I learned that the ref had no choice but to call this incident the way he did, his moral compass (which was missing during other calls) compelled him. And I learned that everyone in the media agrees with you, which is weird because I heard/read a variety of opinions but that was likely gaslighting (that is to say, having a different opinion than you) as well. Appreciate the lesson in solid logic.

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I wish that football players would show the same respect to Refs as rugby players show to their refs. In addition if PGMOL would make the conversation between Ref and VAR available to the stadium audience as it is done in Rugby, VAR is forced to get their shit together. In that case PGMOL is a disgrace and now they are asking for more money from the EPL. Let the EPL put stipulations on that so that we get better refereeing.

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Let's address the Ref situation in the EPL. Are they incompetent, YES. Are they below standard of the other big leagues? YES. Are they ccorrupt? NO anyone that claims that is grasping for straws because we dropped points.

Why are they incompetent? Here is a possible explanation from the Guardian:

The Guardian is now reporting that PGMOL’s funds have essentially vanished. The organization previously had cash reverses in the neighborhood of around $5.2 million. Nevertheless, increased costs have brought this figure to near zero. Financial issues include the expansion of VAR, as well as raised training fees.

PGMOL will have enough funds to make it through the current season. Failure to provide more money to PGMOL could see the organization cut regular training programs. As a result, developing referees would seemingly take even longer.


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Read the article, thanks for sharing

One thing I found amusing was if they can’t find more funding they’ll need to cut their DEI program.


If the reason the PL has only white men as refs is because the organization is racist, then simply weed the racism out of the existing recruitment process. If the receuitment/promotion process is not racist and there just aren’t many minorities/women entering the reffereeing workforce then that’s not a problem whatsoever and needn’t need a specially funded DEI program to ‘solve’ it.

Reffereeing standards in the PL are AWFUL. The idea that they should be trying to fast track people into those roles just to meet DEI quotes is a frankly terrible idea and will only result in even more under qualified/incompetent refs than we already have

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“Are they ccorrupt? NO”. How can you possibly have enough information to KNOW they are not corrupt? That’s a rhetorical question, because of course you don’t really know that do you? Your opinion is that they are not, maybe you don’t want to believe it, maybe you’re afraid of what it means if true…but you don’t really know. None of us know the answer to that for sure. But it is not unreasonable for people to look at all the supposedly incompetent decisions and wonder if there is something more there. After all it is quite easy to hide bias and/or intentionally bad decisions under the category of incompetence. And when does the acceptance of incompetence become corruption? Where is that line? Your answer is overall far too simplistic.

Additionally, the idea that a FUTURE lack of money has led to PRESENT and PAST incompetence makes zero sense at all.

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Another conspiracy theory believer. If they are corrupt, why do you keep watching a rigged sporting event, because you will never get your results since it is corrupt. Or are you fuming like me over loosing the 2 points because Rice's stupid action but you can't make yourself admit to it and so you try to vent your anger on someone else. Put is where it belongs not at the Refs, which many of the Arsenal supporters claim when the team drops points. "We was robbed by the refs" we have that stigma and the rest of the footballing world ridicules us for that.

No we were robbed because of easy chances missed in front of goal, Gabriel's mistake of not going to ground and preventing the goal as well as Rice's fault for getting red carded and finally Arteta playing for a point because the team was mentally weak after the red card. Our ball possession dropped from almost 50% to 22%.

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That’s an impressive word count while both not addressing anything I said and also putting words in my mouth. Inability to address the actual issues presented to you seems like weak mentality to me…

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PGMOL previously had cash reverses in the neighborhood of around $5.2 million. Nevertheless, increased costs have brought this figure to near zero.

You don't think they did any budgeting in the past to see where we can curb expenses. PGMOL is bleeding money and if you believe they will start addressing that in the future, you are more dense then I thought. But on the other hand since PGMOL is so incompetent they might just have screwed up their budgeting.

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I think this article states they are in negotiations, and this seems like a negotiating tactic. It’s likely not as dire as the story makes it out to be. Is it possible that they screwed up? Sure, I suppose it is but then what is the excuse for the times before the loss of money? Additionally, I know a lot of incompetent people who make a lot of money, and the corrupt ones are the best at it.

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Keown and Hurzeler on the game and second yellow card decision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj2OLblPv1Q

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I was amazed. Amazed, amazed, amazed because of how inconsistent decisions can be. In the first half, there were two incidents and nothing happened. Then, in a non-critical area, the ball hits Declan, he turns around, doesn’t see the player coming and touches the ball. By law, he can make that call, but by law then he needs to make the next call which is a red card. So we play 10 against 11. This amazed me, at this level.


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Honestly I really hate blaming refs for an outcome but that Cavanaugh is an incompetent piece of trash. I hope he gets trolled and trashed online. The sheer incompetence of that man to make such a game changing decision in that manner is shocking . He let so much bloody go and then changes the game irreversibly and who knows, maybe the title race.

It’s just so poor. But in the end Arsenal have themselves to blame. Too many chances went unclaimed and when the score is close you allow second rate teams and officials to steal points from you. Sorry I’m not impressed with Brighton … they were more impressive under Potter and De Zerbi … Just so irritated

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We've won games from being a man down. I remember once we beat Blackburn 2-0 after someone was sent off at 0-0.

Was the Bolton 2-0 to 3-2 win where cesc scored the winner via 2 deflections achieved after we went a man down and conceeded twice? I can't remember but the point I'm trying to make is that teams still win games after going a man down. In this case, we didn't even need to score, just maintain the lead. I'm gutted but that's the game.

Have been mighty impressed with Brighton. They've started really well considering their fixture list on paper.

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Art de Roché who covers Arsenal in the Athletic explains Rice's 2nd yellow:

"Referee Chris Kavanagh’s decision followed the letter of the law. It’s understandably rare for a player to be kicked in the air and then get sent off, but Rice’s decision to knock the ball away when already on a yellow card was a risky one."

NOT the Ref's bias when he follows rules, Rice's brain fart is to blame for the 2nd yellow which changed the game massively and now we have a midfield problem when visiting the toilet bowl.

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Chief a ref chief once told me that decisions are made by the spirit of the law and not the letter of the law. There was absolutely no need to affect the outcome of a game by making such a harsh decision. Especially since he wasn’t consistent in the enforcement. What he did has amounted to self immolation… he’s an idiot and an incompetent twerp.

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You get no argument fr4m me for your Ref assessment, but if a Ref goes by what is in the book no one will argue about that, contrary to deciding in this case the letter of the law doesn't apply.

Everyone at Arsenal knows what players and Refs try to get away with, it is part of the game. So don't get wound up, be nice to the Ref, show respect as hard as it may be, include in your decisions any possible fuck ups and you get the points you want. You can ONLY control what is in your hands. Today we fell short on that including missed chances.

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Never in my life have I seen a captain get subbed off as much as Odegaard.

He is supposed to be the talisman and leader but goes awfully quiet when the going gets tough.

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Getting clattered on the knee today had nothing to do with it?

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It's hardly the first time, is it?

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How many times is it exactly, did you know the answer prior to posting or was this meant to be a more impressionist post without any actual facts? While you google the answer to my first question, could you also check how many times on average a midfielder who is captain gets substituted and compare that to Odegaards substitutions? Once you have that figured out, please follow it up with an actual conclusion so we can all understand exactly what you are trying to say. Because to me it appears you are trying to use a difficult day to push an agenda against Arteta.

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Both tried to con the ref. Rice knew what he was doing, Veltman also knew what he was doing. Velt was just smarter and won the day. Rice clearly blocked him from restarting play, if it was in a very inconsequential position/play, why did Rice block and kick the ball away?

It's a yellow. We dropped 2 points, move on. Every team feels the refs are against them but Arsenal fans cry too much FFS.

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Everton lose at home to Bournemouth being up 2-0 by the 87th min...

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Crazy crazy stuff.

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