Off topic but this is good watch on why Arsenal are so hated by the English media


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Un na

You're the kind of dude who sees the Mona Lisa in real life and whines because it's not in 4k

You have little appreciation for the arts

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Kendrick Lamar is not art

He is a flash in the pan rapper

Just like almost every rapper before him

Packaged processed and spat out for profit

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I think pedros marketing firm may have a horse in this race, judging by his staunch position.

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Why do people keep talking about Kendrick Lamar? Hes a tiny little rapper who (as far as rapping goes) isn’t very good or very charismatic

Who cares about his beef with any other rapper

His “performance” was utter horse shit and I don’t know how any self respecting middle aged dad could watch that and not laugh or switch channels

It’s embarrassing

Youre embarrassing if you watch that and pretend you liked it

Shame on you

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Kendrick is a cerebral artist, he's not an entertainer.

Pedro is right, sometimes it better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

There's a reason the NFL selected him for the halftime show.

Fun fact:

Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show had 133.5 million viewers, drawing a larger audience than the Super Bowl itself - billboard

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Diss, get what you’re saying, but his Drake diss concert last year was pretty entertaining

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This is TOWIE levels of cringe

Why so desperate to be current? Let it go

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I think I speak for everyone, the desperation to enforce your bland tastes on people is cringe.

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Trying to pretend you love the current trend is bland

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It's hard to do anything in 13 minutes

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Is that what you tell the Mrs? 😝

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When you have these opinions as a middle-aged man, you should not air them in public.

Real shouting at the clouds stuff.

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Have you sold your soul to the advertising paymasters?

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I’d rather watch classic bjork

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Youre an embarrassment

You think he is talented? You think what he delivers is music? As an arctic monkeys fan!?

The man shouts and squeaks

There is no artistic merit

You should be shamed that you’re talking this nonsense up on an arsenal podcast Pedro

I know for a fact you don’t genuinely like this crap

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Crazy that you can see right through Pedro on his music taste and musical talent spotting ability, while completely buying his certain political views that can’t be mention by name at the risk of getting flagged for antisemitism.

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Objectively, he is an outrageously talented artist.

If you can't appreciate art, at that standard, you are the problem.

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The Mona Lisa is art

Suite Burgamasque is art Wengerball is art

Kendrick Lamar is not art

Saying it over wnd over again doesnt make you cool

Act your age and not your shoe size Pedro

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Sorry mate

He isn’t

He just isn’t

I cannot believe you actually believe this

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Un Kendrick is super talented I am no hip hop officianado having been young when artists like nwa,public enemy and tribe called quest came out and listened to them a lot I can honestly say this guy is very talented.

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He really isn’t

He is actually just a tiny annoying flash in the pan

I’d rather listen to buble

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Look if you’re trying to garner points with a younger audience I can understand but I refuse to accept that you like this tosh when I’ve heard your views on real music

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You age yourself horrendously when you have a closed mind like this.

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Stop fighting your age pal

Pretending you like some shit flavour of the month rapper won’t make you cool

Youre over that hill now fella

Be a dad

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Kendrick is 3 years younger than me, Un.

Regardless, if acting your age is shutting yourself off to art and culture - then I don’t want any part of it. What a dull mindset.

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So, is the country musician Beyonce talented?

Asking for a friend...

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Tablet maybe

But shit!

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I don’t know why the NFL has an allergy to putting a good old fashioned rock band on the halftime show.

Each to their own with music but whatever that was on Sunday, it’s certainly not my cup of tea!

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Please tell me Pedro and Matt aren’t pretending they enjoy that shit

I know Johnny does but He is a write off

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Today's SB halftime 'entertainment' is a universe away-- from what the NFL offered back in the '70s and '80s-- when 'Up with People' performed in four SB halftime shows.

Read it, and cringe:


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‘Next time Tom decides to mention how Liverpool committed 20 fouls on 65% ball possession, think about the "incidents" of VVD.’

Yea, I won’t be.

Mostly because I watch and assess every single game as a stand alone when it comes to ref performance.

Considering Pool’s Possession% and the duration of actual ball in play the Liverpool players conceded a foul every minute that Everton had possession in play.

Now, if that were the case in a NLD and Arsenal found themselves at the wrong end of such lopsided statistic, you’d be spitting feathers and I’d be joining you.

Let’s face it raps, there’s a reason you’re Pedro’s darling of a poster and it ain’t for some amazing insightful opinions is it.

As you were.

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Tom…. Im loving the USA right now


Im so proud of you, my American cousin

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Im proud of the South Africans too

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You won’t be so proud when they stop producing food like Zimbabwe and have to beg for western money

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You were known as Tottenham Tom (I've never called you that) for a reason, was it.

I've been binned by Pedro a few times for not aligning with his opinion. I was honest when I wanted our club to challenge for trophies.

Well, that time has come and I'm happy with our progress. I can't be the moaning fuck I once was when I see what I asked of has come to reality. Yes, we haven't lifted a big trophy but we're so close. We've been banging on the door for 2.5 years now. Our time should have already began but outside factors have managed to prevent us from achieving something big.

I'd rather be positive about the future, seeing how far we've progressed in the last years. 3rd title challenge in 3 years is good but I see us winning a lot once we achieve that first one in a long while.

I've been consistent btw. My desire and demand was always that our club challenges for the big trophies. Now that we're here, it's about a few things lining up in our favor to be able to make that last step. We've been and we are so close.

I can't demand trophies. The lot that say how Arteta has spent 700m over 5 years, don't realize Chavs have spent 1 billion more than us, Manure and Man City have spent 200m more than us and even Spuds have spent 150m more than us.

In addition to the obvious refereeing bias against us and this season's injuries, it's tough. But we are still there, still trying, still spending less than 4 other teams in the league and we're on the 5th higher wage as well.

My take is we should have 8 points added to our total and at least on even points with Pool, but probably ahead by 2. And that's not counting about 5 red cards for VVD not given.

If saying that puts me in Pedro's good book, it is what it is. If it doesn't, it is what it is. I've demonstrated before I'm not a Yes man in this blog.

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Max Dowman should be kept away from Transactional if we want him to stay healthy

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Oh Sid you do talk some bollocks man you really do

They say short is sweet but your posts are just full of dribbling tripe.

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Unlike yours, of course!

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From arsenaldotcom:

We can confirm that Kai Havertz has sustained a hamstring injury during a training session in Dubai last week.

Subsequent assessments and specialist reviews have confirmed that the injury will require surgery, which will take place in the coming days. Soon after surgery, Kai will begin his recovery and rehabilitation programme, which is expected to extend into pre-season preparations for next season.


We're already well aware but thanks for the confirmation.

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Be prepared for a Saliba exit in the summer TW. Real is bent on making that move come true and since he is from the same city as Mbappe, that could be a deciding factor. While I have no problem with letting him go at £100m, I do have a problem with where will the replacement come from.

Since Arteta can't spot talent, no DOF and no scouting department we are truly fucked. What CB did Arteta bring in, Kiwior, about ready to be sold as that was a mistake and we will make no profit. Experimenting with playing other players out of position?

The amount of players needed in the summer TW is truly staggering under this imposter of a manager.

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If Saliba is here at the start of next season do you promise to never come back here ?

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If he isn't will you?

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If he isn't will you?

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Dumb take. I'm gonna need you to come back here and apologize when Saliba is still playing here next season.

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Bookmarked and one of us has to apologize, please confirm this. No confirmation, no apology from me.

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Whether you have any worthwhile points is irrelevant, you are a truly miserable poster who always makes me regret reading your posts.

I will no longer bother.

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"miserable poster"

Let me fix that for you "realistic poster".

Thanks for skipping my posts that way I don't have to read nor reply to your drivel.

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Mertesacker by the way, has quietly rebuilt Arsenal's academy behind the scenes.

Kudos to him.

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replace Arteta with him

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I can't believe the amount of talent we are producing these past few years. Omari Hutchinson is a PL player now. Cozzier-Dubbery has moved to Brighton, Chido and Heaven to United. But we have kept special players in Myles and Ethan. Max Dowman is said to be an even bigger talent. We just need to be better at selling the kids we don't want for good money rather than losing them cheaply. The academy is doing more than it's fair share.

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We are still failing in that next level after the academy though.

We need to pay them more for their first professional contract to be able to keep them in our care when we loan them out to develop further.

We should be paying 20k weekly wages [instead of 10k], loan them out and bank the money when we eventually sell them. Instead we got just 1.5 million for Heaven because we are insistent on not paying more wages.

That's what city or Chelsea would do, they've made bags from their academies.

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No fuck them

If they don’t want to be arsenal players because £20k per week at 17-18-19 is more important then fine but fuck you and no thanks, take your cane rows to Chelsea and good luck with that

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Spot on. Give them better wages and loan them out. We have been cheap thus far and they are moving for money.

Not only heaven and Chido. Hutchinson earned Chelsea 19m after they sold him for 22m. We got 3m from a sell on clause despite developing him from a young age.

If we do that, with the level of talent we are producing, we could make a killing that could help us fund signings for first team starters.

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Yeah, what is smart is letting the likes of Omari Hutchinson leave for £3m.

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Un na is thick, no point anyone engaging with him.

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Heaven's exit was a mistake imo. They should have paid him that money once all the big clubs started trying to lure him.

When academies start doing well, they do well with clusters of youngsters, not just one or two

With Saka. MLS, Hutchinson, Nwaneri et al's successes, they have to develop a stable of decent but not spectacular youngsters on loans.

The loan system needs a major revamp to handle the next level.

It just speaks to the need to a proper director of football at this club.

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Seems like the negative posters with "bad things going on in their personal lives" were right on the money with Arteta and how this club is run.


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Arsenal explore special dispensation to include Max Dowman in first team amid injury crisis - Daily Mail

Arsenal's 15-year-old talent, Max Dowman, is currently unable to make his Premier League debut due to age-related restrictions, as the club grapples with an ongoing attacking injury crisis.

Premier League regulations stipulate that any player under the age of 16 is not permitted to be named on the team sheet or participate in a league match.

Despite Dowman training regularly with Arsenal's first team and impressing for the Under-21s this season, he remains officially part of the U15s squad, rendering him ineligible for senior matches.

According to Daily Mail, Arsenal are exploring the possibility of requesting special dispensation to include Dowman in the first team, but it remains unclear whether the Premier League would grant such an application under the current circumstances.


Max is that good. It's nuts.

His playstyle is compared to Kaka btw.

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Ridiculous. Let the child grow physically for another year or two. WTF is this nonsense.

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Cesc was next level at 15

Better than most PL Midfielders

If the boy is good enough to get game time then give him game time

All this physicality bullshit is why the game is so utterly dismal to watch these days

But you wouldn’t know about that

You only started watching arsenal during Covid

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15 year olds should not be anywhere near PL football but you're an idiot who thinks I started watching Arsenal during covid so you can't be helped. Weird parasocial behavior acting like you know anyone on an online blog.

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Necessity is the mother of invention

But for real, the lad is not as physically developed as Nwaneri was when he was that age so despite his prodigious talent, he may yet struggle.

Anyways, it an opportunity for the U-23s, someone is going to shine and get promoted.

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I hope Iraola doesn't make the mistake of going to Spurs.

He will have his choice of the best European teams after Bournemouth, the best teams on the continent.

My theory of why Postoglu is still at Spurs is that they want to keep him till the end of the summer and then go for Iraola.

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Arnie Slot’s red card has to be extended to more than one game .

No one should talk to England’s best referee like that, especially after all the death threats.

Slot needs at least a 5 game ban to protect referees

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"With the red cards for Slot and Hulshoff, there is no #LFC post-game press conference. Rules don’t allow either of them to do it."

Even his assistant! Both banned for 2 games.

Former Everton defender Johnny Heitinga will be leading Liverpool on the touchline for the next two games.

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Leave off it’s not as if he had him round the SCRAGG.

SAME REF again he missed so much so many blatant misses of obvious fouls.

Slot is entitled to say what he thinks.

Ref’s not big enough to take a dig at him he has to wave his little red card.

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I'm waiting for the pundits to say how he has instigated the Liverpool fans and caused issues with his and his club's behaviour.

That's what they did after MLS' red card, they put the blame on Arteta and Arsenal.

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Don’t hold your breath Raps.The media darlings don’t get judged on Arsenal standards.

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You won't hear a peep about Curtis Jones giving it back. I like watching that tbh. And I don't think he should be given criticism for that. But niether should MLS.

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Dont rush back any of our injured players, especially Saka and Kai with hamstring injuries. Let them heal properly. They still have 10 more years of career.

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They think their entitled and as always playing the victim & every bit as arrogant as Manure fans.Cant stand them.

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I don't hate their team but their fans are insufferable. Genuinely contenders for the worst fans. Ours are the same to others though.

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Assuming everyone saw this - makes me laugh, and cry … and it was posted before the end of the winter TW - could this really be Arsenal’s Transfer Committee ?

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